The raise of content and art generation through AI

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how is it related to art?

Artificial Intelligence is a tool used by computers and machines to perform tasks that are typically done by people. In order to perform those tasks computers and machines have to learn first. How do they learn? By processing millions of words and images stored in data warehouses and looking for patterns to predict and perform the task.

Applying the AI concept to art, if we take a look at Wikipedia, the definition of AI art is any artwork or content created through the use of artificial intelligence.

How does AI art or AI generated content affect companies like Picsart?

Regarding art or content creation, Artificial Intelligence is not a substitute for all those artists with such great talent, creativity and imagination that use platforms like Picsart to create content. It’s a complementary tool that will help them improve their work in an unlimited space. With Gen AI:

  • Complimentary way of art and content creation has arrived to help and inspire.

  • Everyone can expand and explore their imagination and 

  • It can help to become an artist as everyone is now able to make high-quality visual content

How can I create art and content through AI?

In the last weeks, Picsart has rolled out many different features to allow creators create art and content through the AI within its platform and a new app.

Within Picsart App

Go to Create (Tap on + icon centered at the bottom) and you will find two different tools under AI tools section: AI Avatar and Text to Image.

  • AI Avatar: You can upload from 10 pictures up to 30 of yourself and the app will generate your avatar through AI

  • Text to Image: Type a prompt (Prompts are descriptions in natural language that act as an input for AI art generators), select a style of the final picture and click on Generate. Then you will be able to edit the AI generated image.

Within the website

Go to Picsart AI tool landing page and click on Try. Then type a prompt (Prompts are descriptions in natural language that act as an input for AI art generators), select a style of the final picture and click on Generate. Lastly you will be able to edit the AI generated image.

¡NEW! SketchAI App

Besides AI Avatar and Text to Image tools, we recently created and released a new app called SketchAI: Drawing to AI Art that allows you to transform your drawing into images.